The highly skilled Ukrainian’s guide to

finding employment in Denmark


provided by Akademikerne (The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations)

This is how we can help


On these pages we have collected all the information required in order for you to find employment in Denmark. The process below can lead to you finding a job in which you will be able to make use of your education, as well as the skillset and job market experience, you already possess.



This is who we are


Akademikerne (The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) is an umbrella organisation for its 28 member organisations. These organisations offer services to professional and managerial staff graduated from universities and other higher educational institutions. We currently represent 468.800 highly skilled workers across Denmark.

Apply for assessment of your qualifications

Direct link to the application form and requirements. When you apply for a job, an assessment can make your qualifications easier to understand for the Danish employer

Get organised

Here you will find information about our union member organisations.

Further ressources

Hotline for assessment of your qualifications (for municipalities and asylum centers employees)


The legislation making it possible for you to seek expedited employment in Denmark is very new. Therefore even the employees of the municipality you are staying in might need assistance in how to asses your qualifications. For this purpose the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science has provided a hotline.

The information can be found here (danish language)

Дансько-Українське Товариство


Дансько- Українське Товариство є народньо- просвітницькою організацією, яка працює задля укріплення політичних, економічних, культурових та людських стосунків між Данією та Україною, але є незалежною від політичних партій та інтересових груп.


Contact the Danish/Ukrainian Society here.

Information for employers/companies


An employer can get a fast-track evaluation of your degree by contacting the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science – please refer to the page on “Turbovurdering”:


For companies considering hiring refugees from Ukraine guidance can be found here:

Further information about finding work


This website is a guide and jobbank provided by The “Partnership for jobs for Ukrainians” is a collaboration consisting of representatives from the state, regional and municipal level of Denmark, as well as labour unions and industry associations. Akademikerne is also part of this partnership


Visit the JobguideUkraine website here.

A guide to trade unions in Denmark for highly skilled workers


If you are a highly skilled worker who is new to the Danish job market, this booklet is for you. A trade union membership can give security with regards to your job situation.


In this booklet, you can read about what it means to be a member of a trade union in Denmark and how a trade union can help you in your current situation.



Read the pdf here.